SEO report of

Expert SEO System

Error! The "meta description" is missing, the page has no summary description!


  • Select one version of your site as main and make a redirect from other versions to that one.
  • Avoid using deprecated HTML tags.



Domain :

Character length : 24

Expert SEO System
Keywords (meta keywords)
Good! The website does not use “meta keywords”.
Open Graph Protocol

Error! The website does not use the OG (Open Graph) protocol.

Dublin Core
Dublin Core is not used
Underscores in the URLs
Good! No underscore (_) found in the URLs.
Search engine friendly URLs
Good! The website uses SEO friendly URLs.
Checking the robots.txt file
The robots.txt file is missing!


Social Engagement

No info found.


Perfect! The character encoding is set: UTF-8.
We have found the language localisation: ”en”.
Expert SEO System

Character length : 17

Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Text / HTML ratio
Ratio : 59%

Good! The text / code ratio is between 25 and 70 percent.
Heading structure in the source code
  • <H4> 
  • <H4> More Traffic
  • <H4> More Leads
  • <H4> More Conversions
  • <H4> More Customers
  • <H3> Expert SEO System
  • <H1> Professional SEO Accessible To Everyone
  • <H3> Click The Links Below To See Exactly How The Expert SEO System Can Help You Increase Search Rankings Expert SEO System software will analyze your web pages and those of your top 10 Google competitors for your keyword. ESS will create over 100 different measures that are likely to affect the SEO of your web page. These measures are compared directly to the Google Top 10 results and gap analysis data is created. You can now run an Expert SEO Sytem report that will give you all the details and the written instructions on what you need to do to bring those pages into line with the Google top ten search results. It's a simple concept that seems obvious when it's explained, but most people just seem to ignore the obvious. They follow the same old tired SEO rules and get the same old tired results. If you follow what the top ten search results are doing, then you will be doing the exact things needed to get to the top of the search results. Even if you are languishing in the lower echelons of the search rankings you can follow the step by step instructions and pull your site up to the position it deserves. Reduce Your SEO Workload Expert SEO System software does in seconds what would take you weeks. In fact some of what ESS does is not even possible to do manually. Data is pulled from Google,,, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and many other industry leading web sites. This data is sorted, compiled and analyzed without you having to lift a finger. Simply add in the URL of your (or your customers) web page that you want to analyze. Enter the keyword you want to target, choose a search engine and location if you want localised results. Expert SEO System will do the rest for you. Within seconds you can be reading the data you need to compete for that coveted Google page one spot Know Your Competition Only by knowing your competition can you every compete for keywords. If the keywords are too hard to rank for then maybe that is not a niche you want to compete in. Expert SEO System can tell you how difficult it may be to rank for certain keywords and in certain niches before you even write one article or add one backlink. ESS can save you the time from competing in markets that re just too strong. If you want to compete in the strong niches (and many do) the ESS will arm you with everything you need to beat the best. No matter what sites are in those top ten ranked search results, ESS will strip them bare and give you every details of what they are doing that makes them so successful. You will know exactly what you need to do to compete Increase Site Sales & Sign-ups Top placed ranking are great but the bottom line is how many sales you can make or how many subscribers you can sign-up. Whatever your conversion targets are Expert SEO System can help improve them By matching your top 10 competitors you can improve your search position and in turn your site traffic. A simple formula - More traffic equals more sales and sign-ups Expert SEO System can help any website that relies on search engine traffic. It works for any type of conversion. Sales, email capture, banner ads, Adsense, Clickbank products, Amazon products, local businesses, charity sites and many more. If your site will improve with more traffic then Expert SEO System is for you It works in any niche, there are no restrictions. The fact is that Google defines the top ten web sites by giving them the top ten search spots on page one. That is true in any niche. So breaking down those top results will give the ammunition to beat them at their own game Convert Leads To Customers How many leads do you get each month? How many of those can you convert to customers? If you offer SEO services the Expert SEO System can see your lead capture and conversions to customers go through the roof. Scenario 1 - Identify a local business website, run their site pages through ESS, produce professional PDF reports. Use those reports to engage your cold leads. Email or face-to-face. The impressive reports will ensure you are taken seriously (and in many cases show just how much improvement their sites need). Scenario 2 - You have existing warm leads but just having trouble closing the deal. The Expert SEO System professional reports are deal closer. Quickly and easily show the holes in the customers SEO without having to baffle them with science. But enough detail to do so if that's what they want. Result - A new and long term cusstomer. Increase Customer Spend Upsell, Upsell, Upsell! Do you know that it generally cost more to get a new customer than to keep an existing one. That's right. An existing customer is hugely valuable asset and one you definitely want to keep. It is also a lot easier to sell to an existing happy customer than a fresh lead. However time can be a factor and there are always competitors looking to take your SEO customers. The answer is to use Expert SEO System. If you have a loyal customer then use the professional PDF reports. Maybe a monthly service. A few minutes of your time each month for an additional monthly paycheck? An easy upsell to an already happy customer. You can even upsell additional services based on those report findings. But what about your not so happy customers (sorry but they do exist). What about giving them a free monthly report. First off you will be seen as a great supplier, secondly if a competitor offers their services to your customer they now have more to compete with. Stop Worrying About Google Algorythm Changes Here's the kicker! No matter what Google does to de-rank sites they don't approve of, or devalue backlinks they don't want or penalize content they don't like. No matter what Google decide is the best indicator of site authority or how much boost they will give for social signals. The top 10 Google search results will always give away exactly what Google likes (and, by default, does not). Google can approve or disprove of something different tomorrow, and again the next day. As those top 10 results change they will always reflect what Google wants. That is the core to the Expert SEO System. We simple listen to what Google is telling us by what they are actually ranking. Other experts can guess whether keyword density or exact domain names are good or bad but Expert SEO system can tell you the exactly what works today. And it will tell you exactly what works tomorrow! The Features and Techie Stuff Inside The Expert SEO System   SEO Expert In A Box Expert SEO System is exactly what is sounds like. It's a single point solution for your SEO analysis requirements. It has the complexity to suit expert level users but the simplicity to allow anyone to become an instant SEO expert. Saving you time and expense of collecting and collating the data you need. Running comparison checks against the top 10 search results to ensure that the information and advice is absolutely current and up to date. Produce detailed reports that can be used to improve your own sites or customer sites. Produce professional customized reports for distribution or sale to your customers and clients. Reverse Engineers Top 10 Search Results The strength of the Expert SEO System is the fact that it does not take any current SEO rules for granted. Of course we understand and acknowledge that there are some fundamental truths about good SEO practices and that is taken into account when analysing the data. However the bottom line is that, no matter what you believe, the real answers are in those sites that actually rank on page one. As Google and others change there search algorithms then the top 10 results will change. Sometimes slowly and sometimes very swiftly, but change they will. ESS is able to rerun the reports whenever you want and pull the latest results back giving you the most up to date information available. ESS looks at a huge number of on-page 'ranking factors'. It also analyzes the backlinks and the social signals to bring you a comprehensive dataset from which to analyze your target site. Backed with data from the industry leaders like Alexa and this is probably the most comprehensive SEO data set available from within one tool. Gap Analysis Against Top 10 Search Results Let Expert SEO do what it does best. High speed data gathering and crunching. You just enter your web page URL and the keyword you want to target (and a search engine and location if you want to focus on local results). ESS will do the rest. In just a few seconds it will scan the Search engine top 100 results, find your web page ranking if it is the top 100. It will then scan the top 10 results. For every results it will strip down the web page to it's nuts and bolts and store all the data on that page. Keywords, readability, URLs and much much more. It will do exactly the same for your target web page. Then fetches raft of data from other sources like social measures and backlink information and again does the same for your target site. Expert SEO System then produces a gap analysis between your site data and the top ten results. Two assessments are made for each SEO measure. An average and a range across the top 10 sites. All this information is stored in the Drill Down Reviewer in ESS for completely flexible and easy access. Expert SEO System Pulls Data From Many Leading Sources We don't want to give away all our secrets of course but the Expert SEO System gather data from across the web. We utilise some of the industries leading web sites like Alexa am ESS also pulls data from social sites like Facebook and Twitter and many more. It is this broad base of data that helps make Expert SEO System so powerful. Few software tool can produce this range of SEO data Uses A Huge Set Of SEO Measures There are a number of signals or measures that are generally accepted ones that can either affect your SEO ranking (either directly or indirectly). The Expert SEO System checks as many of these 'measures' as we can progress in. Will they all have an affect? - Truth is we don't know but we need to measure them all in case they do. Or in case they do in the future. Google is now about penalizing sites as much as promoting them so measures that were once considered good SEO are now considered bad SEO. Things change so we prepare for that change by covering every angle we can. As more is known about the effect of certain measures then more will be added. Think about Social Signals. Very big today but 2 years ago? Insignificant. We try not to judge. By checking a huge number of possible measures and signals against the top 10 results we let Google tell us what is in vogue. HTML Reports Expert SEO Systems has a built in data and report viewer. However you can generate a report in HTML for easy viewing on your computer screen. Choose from a single (long page) report or multi-tabbed (individual pages) reports. With the commercial licence your HTML reports are customizable. You can white label and personalize the reports. As with all reports you can create summary graph reports, reports on specific SEO areas and measures or full reports of all data. p> All reports come with written information and guidance about the actions needed to improve any "out of spec" measures. Professional PDF Reports When you purchase the commercial licence you get access to the full professional PDF reporter. Fully customizable reports, templates, change everything from font to colours and backgrounds. Create different front covers, add your own company branding. Set up different "templates" for different reports or different customers. Save settings to easily produce individual customer and client reports whenever you need. With this level of customization and personalization every report will be a winner. Multiple URL and Keyword Analysis The Expert SEO System analyzes the individual pages on a web site. In general it is good practice for each web page to target a primary keyword. Google ranks individual web pages NOT web sites so we must do the same when we analyze. However most web pages benefit from LSI and secondary keywords. This helps increases Googles perception of relevant content, allows your pages to rank for multiple (related) keywords and over time will rank your pages for long tail keywords. To that end you can add "sub-keywords" (LSI or secondary keywords) to the Expert SEO projects and they will be analyzed against the same top 10 results data. Checking against the top 10 will identify if they are also using the same or similar LSI keywords. Of course you will want to check all your site pages and with ESS you can add Multiple URLs and primary keywords in to one project. This can speed up analysis and manage your reports data more logically Drill Down Data Reviewer If you are a data geek you will love this. Once a project has been run and the data collected, compared and collated it is immediately available inside the Expert SEO System software. The data display is structured to give you a high level summary view. You can then "drill down" by simply clicking your mouse to each level and even down to the raw data itself. This is a very powerful tool and unique way at looking at your SEO analysis. Drill down into individual modules and even into individual sites so that you can access all the data from overview right down to the fine detail. Whatever your particular needs or preferred way of viewing the page analysis is catered for right inside the Expert SEO System. Integration With Third Party Tools & Software We don't want to restrict you in the way you conduct your own SEO. If you have your own ideas or proven methods then you will want to keep using them. Likewise there are some fantastic third party software and tools available. Some of these can be considered "experts" in their own field. Some third party tools that can significantly enhance your ability to perform SEO tasks. When we find the best tools that fit this criteria we can integrate them with the Expert SEO System. Open Site Explorer is a good example. One of the very best sources of detailed link and anchor text. Expert SEO system links your project resulting directly into OSE so you can pull additional detailed link information. Gtmetrix, the very best tool for measuring, analysing and improving site performance is another tool integrated into ESS. Our Clients Say it Best I bought the commercial licence as I saw the long term benefits from reading the many positive comments - and I was glad I did. However, I was not expecting the detailed and sobering report I received on my one adsense site that I tried as a first trial. The result is going to be a very long night I think! If only..this was available before, it would have saved a lot of time and money (and I would have more hair), but seriously, thank you for a great product which I think will be a bread winner for a number of people apart from me. To pass on a white label report with personalised header and logo will knock the socks off customers. Serious kudos and many thanks. POI Customer I ran it for a couple of my websites that were hit by Penguin and it was an eye-opener for every site (on-site stuff I thought I had already fixed was still way out of range). I have used similar programs, but they all use global averages, which is just inaccurate for certain niches, especially local businesses. The idea to take the numbers of the top 10 sites for each keyword is brilliant and will work forever. Outstanding, and way more worth than its price! I will for sure be looking out for your future WSOs! Thanks, Tony and Anthony! POI Customer I bought the developer's version of this yesterday and I encouraged my brother to do the same. We are both delighted with the product. It's probably going to be the best money you've ever spent on this forum. It's really simple - you can always see what the competition are doing to be number 1 in Google and go after them.We've checked several sites and the results are glowingly obvious. If you haven't taken the plunge yet you really need to be doing so before this is taken down. In my eyes this is an all time Killer application. Google Slap, Google Panda, Google Blah Blah Blah - forget about them. With this amazing software you'll always be able to know exactly what it is you need to do to get on page 1 of Google POI Customer This software is absolutely invaluable to people who have been caught with their pants down and lost rank during all of the Google upgrades . . . yes, I'm in that boat also. Why didn't I just use the other software? Because it's so God awful slow that it's like pulling teach! Running this software absolutely inspired me to get to fixing these sites. I can run, adjust, run adjust, run adjust probably 20 times in the amount of time one of those other reports was created. Great stuff, not to be missed. Every single person with a website they are trying to rank should own this, period, hands down. If you are an SEO professional and haven't bought, get it now. Two BIG thumbs up POI Customer   Latest from the blog Latest Information from Expert SEO System
  • <H3> Increase Search Rankings Expert SEO System software will analyze your web pages and those of your top 10 Google competitors for your keyword. ESS will create over 100 different measures that are likely to affect the SEO of your web page. These measures are compared directly to the Google Top 10 results and gap analysis data is created. You can now run an Expert SEO Sytem report that will give you all the details and the written instructions on what you need to do to bring those pages into line with the Google top ten search results. It's a simple concept that seems obvious when it's explained, but most people just seem to ignore the obvious. They follow the same old tired SEO rules and get the same old tired results. If you follow what the top ten search results are doing, then you will be doing the exact things needed to get to the top of the search results. Even if you are languishing in the lower echelons of the search rankings you can follow the step by step instructions and pull your site up to the position it deserves. Reduce Your SEO Workload Expert SEO System software does in seconds what would take you weeks. In fact some of what ESS does is not even possible to do manually. Data is pulled from Google,,, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and many other industry leading web sites. This data is sorted, compiled and analyzed without you having to lift a finger. Simply add in the URL of your (or your customers) web page that you want to analyze. Enter the keyword you want to target, choose a search engine and location if you want localised results. Expert SEO System will do the rest for you. Within seconds you can be reading the data you need to compete for that coveted Google page one spot Know Your Competition Only by knowing your competition can you every compete for keywords. If the keywords are too hard to rank for then maybe that is not a niche you want to compete in. Expert SEO System can tell you how difficult it may be to rank for certain keywords and in certain niches before you even write one article or add one backlink. ESS can save you the time from competing in markets that re just too strong. If you want to compete in the strong niches (and many do) the ESS will arm you with everything you need to beat the best. No matter what sites are in those top ten ranked search results, ESS will strip them bare and give you every details of what they are doing that makes them so successful. You will know exactly what you need to do to compete Increase Site Sales & Sign-ups Top placed ranking are great but the bottom line is how many sales you can make or how many subscribers you can sign-up. Whatever your conversion targets are Expert SEO System can help improve them By matching your top 10 competitors you can improve your search position and in turn your site traffic. A simple formula - More traffic equals more sales and sign-ups Expert SEO System can help any website that relies on search engine traffic. It works for any type of conversion. Sales, email capture, banner ads, Adsense, Clickbank products, Amazon products, local businesses, charity sites and many more. If your site will improve with more traffic then Expert SEO System is for you It works in any niche, there are no restrictions. The fact is that Google defines the top ten web sites by giving them the top ten search spots on page one. That is true in any niche. So breaking down those top results will give the ammunition to beat them at their own game Convert Leads To Customers How many leads do you get each month? How many of those can you convert to customers? If you offer SEO services the Expert SEO System can see your lead capture and conversions to customers go through the roof. Scenario 1 - Identify a local business website, run their site pages through ESS, produce professional PDF reports. Use those reports to engage your cold leads. Email or face-to-face. The impressive reports will ensure you are taken seriously (and in many cases show just how much improvement their sites need). Scenario 2 - You have existing warm leads but just having trouble closing the deal. The Expert SEO System professional reports are deal closer. Quickly and easily show the holes in the customers SEO without having to baffle them with science. But enough detail to do so if that's what they want. Result - A new and long term cusstomer. Increase Customer Spend Upsell, Upsell, Upsell! Do you know that it generally cost more to get a new customer than to keep an existing one. That's right. An existing customer is hugely valuable asset and one you definitely want to keep. It is also a lot easier to sell to an existing happy customer than a fresh lead. However time can be a factor and there are always competitors looking to take your SEO customers. The answer is to use Expert SEO System. If you have a loyal customer then use the professional PDF reports. Maybe a monthly service. A few minutes of your time each month for an additional monthly paycheck? An easy upsell to an already happy customer. You can even upsell additional services based on those report findings. But what about your not so happy customers (sorry but they do exist). What about giving them a free monthly report. First off you will be seen as a great supplier, secondly if a competitor offers their services to your customer they now have more to compete with. Stop Worrying About Google Algorythm Changes Here's the kicker! No matter what Google does to de-rank sites they don't approve of, or devalue backlinks they don't want or penalize content they don't like. No matter what Google decide is the best indicator of site authority or how much boost they will give for social signals. The top 10 Google search results will always give away exactly what Google likes (and, by default, does not). Google can approve or disprove of something different tomorrow, and again the next day. As those top 10 results change they will always reflect what Google wants. That is the core to the Expert SEO System. We simple listen to what Google is telling us by what they are actually ranking. Other experts can guess whether keyword density or exact domain names are good or bad but Expert SEO system can tell you the exactly what works today. And it will tell you exactly what works tomorrow! The Features and Techie Stuff Inside The Expert SEO System   SEO Expert In A Box Expert SEO System is exactly what is sounds like. It's a single point solution for your SEO analysis requirements. It has the complexity to suit expert level users but the simplicity to allow anyone to become an instant SEO expert. Saving you time and expense of collecting and collating the data you need. Running comparison checks against the top 10 search results to ensure that the information and advice is absolutely current and up to date. Produce detailed reports that can be used to improve your own sites or customer sites. Produce professional customized reports for distribution or sale to your customers and clients. Reverse Engineers Top 10 Search Results The strength of the Expert SEO System is the fact that it does not take any current SEO rules for granted. Of course we understand and acknowledge that there are some fundamental truths about good SEO practices and that is taken into account when analysing the data. However the bottom line is that, no matter what you believe, the real answers are in those sites that actually rank on page one. As Google and others change there search algorithms then the top 10 results will change. Sometimes slowly and sometimes very swiftly, but change they will. ESS is able to rerun the reports whenever you want and pull the latest results back giving you the most up to date information available. ESS looks at a huge number of on-page 'ranking factors'. It also analyzes the backlinks and the social signals to bring you a comprehensive dataset from which to analyze your target site. Backed with data from the industry leaders like Alexa and this is probably the most comprehensive SEO data set available from within one tool. Gap Analysis Against Top 10 Search Results Let Expert SEO do what it does best. High speed data gathering and crunching. You just enter your web page URL and the keyword you want to target (and a search engine and location if you want to focus on local results). ESS will do the rest. In just a few seconds it will scan the Search engine top 100 results, find your web page ranking if it is the top 100. It will then scan the top 10 results. For every results it will strip down the web page to it's nuts and bolts and store all the data on that page. Keywords, readability, URLs and much much more. It will do exactly the same for your target web page. Then fetches raft of data from other sources like social measures and backlink information and again does the same for your target site. Expert SEO System then produces a gap analysis between your site data and the top ten results. Two assessments are made for each SEO measure. An average and a range across the top 10 sites. All this information is stored in the Drill Down Reviewer in ESS for completely flexible and easy access. Expert SEO System Pulls Data From Many Leading Sources We don't want to give away all our secrets of course but the Expert SEO System gather data from across the web. We utilise some of the industries leading web sites like Alexa am ESS also pulls data from social sites like Facebook and Twitter and many more. It is this broad base of data that helps make Expert SEO System so powerful. Few software tool can produce this range of SEO data Uses A Huge Set Of SEO Measures There are a number of signals or measures that are generally accepted ones that can either affect your SEO ranking (either directly or indirectly). The Expert SEO System checks as many of these 'measures' as we can progress in. Will they all have an affect? - Truth is we don't know but we need to measure them all in case they do. Or in case they do in the future. Google is now about penalizing sites as much as promoting them so measures that were once considered good SEO are now considered bad SEO. Things change so we prepare for that change by covering every angle we can. As more is known about the effect of certain measures then more will be added. Think about Social Signals. Very big today but 2 years ago? Insignificant. We try not to judge. By checking a huge number of possible measures and signals against the top 10 results we let Google tell us what is in vogue. HTML Reports Expert SEO Systems has a built in data and report viewer. However you can generate a report in HTML for easy viewing on your computer screen. Choose from a single (long page) report or multi-tabbed (individual pages) reports. With the commercial licence your HTML reports are customizable. You can white label and personalize the reports. As with all reports you can create summary graph reports, reports on specific SEO areas and measures or full reports of all data. p> All reports come with written information and guidance about the actions needed to improve any "out of spec" measures. Professional PDF Reports When you purchase the commercial licence you get access to the full professional PDF reporter. Fully customizable reports, templates, change everything from font to colours and backgrounds. Create different front covers, add your own company branding. Set up different "templates" for different reports or different customers. Save settings to easily produce individual customer and client reports whenever you need. With this level of customization and personalization every report will be a winner. Multiple URL and Keyword Analysis The Expert SEO System analyzes the individual pages on a web site. In general it is good practice for each web page to target a primary keyword. Google ranks individual web pages NOT web sites so we must do the same when we analyze. However most web pages benefit from LSI and secondary keywords. This helps increases Googles perception of relevant content, allows your pages to rank for multiple (related) keywords and over time will rank your pages for long tail keywords. To that end you can add "sub-keywords" (LSI or secondary keywords) to the Expert SEO projects and they will be analyzed against the same top 10 results data. Checking against the top 10 will identify if they are also using the same or similar LSI keywords. Of course you will want to check all your site pages and with ESS you can add Multiple URLs and primary keywords in to one project. This can speed up analysis and manage your reports data more logically Drill Down Data Reviewer If you are a data geek you will love this. Once a project has been run and the data collected, compared and collated it is immediately available inside the Expert SEO System software. The data display is structured to give you a high level summary view. You can then "drill down" by simply clicking your mouse to each level and even down to the raw data itself. This is a very powerful tool and unique way at looking at your SEO analysis. Drill down into individual modules and even into individual sites so that you can access all the data from overview right down to the fine detail. Whatever your particular needs or preferred way of viewing the page analysis is catered for right inside the Expert SEO System. Integration With Third Party Tools & Software We don't want to restrict you in the way you conduct your own SEO. If you have your own ideas or proven methods then you will want to keep using them. Likewise there are some fantastic third party software and tools available. Some of these can be considered "experts" in their own field. Some third party tools that can significantly enhance your ability to perform SEO tasks. When we find the best tools that fit this criteria we can integrate them with the Expert SEO System. Open Site Explorer is a good example. One of the very best sources of detailed link and anchor text. Expert SEO system links your project resulting directly into OSE so you can pull additional detailed link information. Gtmetrix, the very best tool for measuring, analysing and improving site performance is another tool integrated into ESS. Our Clients Say it Best I bought the commercial licence as I saw the long term benefits from reading the many positive comments - and I was glad I did. However, I was not expecting the detailed and sobering report I received on my one adsense site that I tried as a first trial. The result is going to be a very long night I think! If only..this was available before, it would have saved a lot of time and money (and I would have more hair), but seriously, thank you for a great product which I think will be a bread winner for a number of people apart from me. To pass on a white label report with personalised header and logo will knock the socks off customers. Serious kudos and many thanks. POI Customer I ran it for a couple of my websites that were hit by Penguin and it was an eye-opener for every site (on-site stuff I thought I had already fixed was still way out of range). I have used similar programs, but they all use global averages, which is just inaccurate for certain niches, especially local businesses. The idea to take the numbers of the top 10 sites for each keyword is brilliant and will work forever. Outstanding, and way more worth than its price! I will for sure be looking out for your future WSOs! Thanks, Tony and Anthony! POI Customer I bought the developer's version of this yesterday and I encouraged my brother to do the same. We are both delighted with the product. It's probably going to be the best money you've ever spent on this forum. It's really simple - you can always see what the competition are doing to be number 1 in Google and go after them.We've checked several sites and the results are glowingly obvious. If you haven't taken the plunge yet you really need to be doing so before this is taken down. In my eyes this is an all time Killer application. Google Slap, Google Panda, Google Blah Blah Blah - forget about them. With this amazing software you'll always be able to know exactly what it is you need to do to get on page 1 of Google POI Customer This software is absolutely invaluable to people who have been caught with their pants down and lost rank during all of the Google upgrades . . . yes, I'm in that boat also. Why didn't I just use the other software? Because it's so God awful slow that it's like pulling teach! Running this software absolutely inspired me to get to fixing these sites. I can run, adjust, run adjust, run adjust probably 20 times in the amount of time one of those other reports was created. Great stuff, not to be missed. Every single person with a website they are trying to rank should own this, period, hands down. If you are an SEO professional and haven't bought, get it now. Two BIG thumbs up POI Customer   Latest from the blog Latest Information from Expert SEO System
  • <H3> The Features and Techie Stuff Inside The Expert SEO System   SEO Expert In A Box Expert SEO System is exactly what is sounds like. It's a single point solution for your SEO analysis requirements. It has the complexity to suit expert level users but the simplicity to allow anyone to become an instant SEO expert. Saving you time and expense of collecting and collating the data you need. Running comparison checks against the top 10 search results to ensure that the information and advice is absolutely current and up to date. Produce detailed reports that can be used to improve your own sites or customer sites. Produce professional customized reports for distribution or sale to your customers and clients. Reverse Engineers Top 10 Search Results The strength of the Expert SEO System is the fact that it does not take any current SEO rules for granted. Of course we understand and acknowledge that there are some fundamental truths about good SEO practices and that is taken into account when analysing the data. However the bottom line is that, no matter what you believe, the real answers are in those sites that actually rank on page one. As Google and others change there search algorithms then the top 10 results will change. Sometimes slowly and sometimes very swiftly, but change they will. ESS is able to rerun the reports whenever you want and pull the latest results back giving you the most up to date information available. ESS looks at a huge number of on-page 'ranking factors'. It also analyzes the backlinks and the social signals to bring you a comprehensive dataset from which to analyze your target site. Backed with data from the industry leaders like Alexa and this is probably the most comprehensive SEO data set available from within one tool. Gap Analysis Against Top 10 Search Results Let Expert SEO do what it does best. High speed data gathering and crunching. You just enter your web page URL and the keyword you want to target (and a search engine and location if you want to focus on local results). ESS will do the rest. In just a few seconds it will scan the Search engine top 100 results, find your web page ranking if it is the top 100. It will then scan the top 10 results. For every results it will strip down the web page to it's nuts and bolts and store all the data on that page. Keywords, readability, URLs and much much more. It will do exactly the same for your target web page. Then fetches raft of data from other sources like social measures and backlink information and again does the same for your target site. Expert SEO System then produces a gap analysis between your site data and the top ten results. Two assessments are made for each SEO measure. An average and a range across the top 10 sites. All this information is stored in the Drill Down Reviewer in ESS for completely flexible and easy access. Expert SEO System Pulls Data From Many Leading Sources We don't want to give away all our secrets of course but the Expert SEO System gather data from across the web. We utilise some of the industries leading web sites like Alexa am ESS also pulls data from social sites like Facebook and Twitter and many more. It is this broad base of data that helps make Expert SEO System so powerful. Few software tool can produce this range of SEO data Uses A Huge Set Of SEO Measures There are a number of signals or measures that are generally accepted ones that can either affect your SEO ranking (either directly or indirectly). The Expert SEO System checks as many of these 'measures' as we can progress in. Will they all have an affect? - Truth is we don't know but we need to measure them all in case they do. Or in case they do in the future. Google is now about penalizing sites as much as promoting them so measures that were once considered good SEO are now considered bad SEO. Things change so we prepare for that change by covering every angle we can. As more is known about the effect of certain measures then more will be added. Think about Social Signals. Very big today but 2 years ago? Insignificant. We try not to judge. By checking a huge number of possible measures and signals against the top 10 results we let Google tell us what is in vogue. HTML Reports Expert SEO Systems has a built in data and report viewer. However you can generate a report in HTML for easy viewing on your computer screen. Choose from a single (long page) report or multi-tabbed (individual pages) reports. With the commercial licence your HTML reports are customizable. You can white label and personalize the reports. As with all reports you can create summary graph reports, reports on specific SEO areas and measures or full reports of all data. p> All reports come with written information and guidance about the actions needed to improve any "out of spec" measures. Professional PDF Reports When you purchase the commercial licence you get access to the full professional PDF reporter. Fully customizable reports, templates, change everything from font to colours and backgrounds. Create different front covers, add your own company branding. Set up different "templates" for different reports or different customers. Save settings to easily produce individual customer and client reports whenever you need. With this level of customization and personalization every report will be a winner. Multiple URL and Keyword Analysis The Expert SEO System analyzes the individual pages on a web site. In general it is good practice for each web page to target a primary keyword. Google ranks individual web pages NOT web sites so we must do the same when we analyze. However most web pages benefit from LSI and secondary keywords. This helps increases Googles perception of relevant content, allows your pages to rank for multiple (related) keywords and over time will rank your pages for long tail keywords. To that end you can add "sub-keywords" (LSI or secondary keywords) to the Expert SEO projects and they will be analyzed against the same top 10 results data. Checking against the top 10 will identify if they are also using the same or similar LSI keywords. Of course you will want to check all your site pages and with ESS you can add Multiple URLs and primary keywords in to one project. This can speed up analysis and manage your reports data more logically Drill Down Data Reviewer If you are a data geek you will love this. Once a project has been run and the data collected, compared and collated it is immediately available inside the Expert SEO System software. The data display is structured to give you a high level summary view. You can then "drill down" by simply clicking your mouse to each level and even down to the raw data itself. This is a very powerful tool and unique way at looking at your SEO analysis. Drill down into individual modules and even into individual sites so that you can access all the data from overview right down to the fine detail. Whatever your particular needs or preferred way of viewing the page analysis is catered for right inside the Expert SEO System. Integration With Third Party Tools & Software We don't want to restrict you in the way you conduct your own SEO. If you have your own ideas or proven methods then you will want to keep using them. Likewise there are some fantastic third party software and tools available. Some of these can be considered "experts" in their own field. Some third party tools that can significantly enhance your ability to perform SEO tasks. When we find the best tools that fit this criteria we can integrate them with the Expert SEO System. Open Site Explorer is a good example. One of the very best sources of detailed link and anchor text. Expert SEO system links your project resulting directly into OSE so you can pull additional detailed link information. Gtmetrix, the very best tool for measuring, analysing and improving site performance is another tool integrated into ESS. Our Clients Say it Best I bought the commercial licence as I saw the long term benefits from reading the many positive comments - and I was glad I did. However, I was not expecting the detailed and sobering report I received on my one adsense site that I tried as a first trial. The result is going to be a very long night I think! If only..this was available before, it would have saved a lot of time and money (and I would have more hair), but seriously, thank you for a great product which I think will be a bread winner for a number of people apart from me. To pass on a white label report with personalised header and logo will knock the socks off customers. Serious kudos and many thanks. POI Customer I ran it for a couple of my websites that were hit by Penguin and it was an eye-opener for every site (on-site stuff I thought I had already fixed was still way out of range). I have used similar programs, but they all use global averages, which is just inaccurate for certain niches, especially local businesses. The idea to take the numbers of the top 10 sites for each keyword is brilliant and will work forever. Outstanding, and way more worth than its price! I will for sure be looking out for your future WSOs! Thanks, Tony and Anthony! POI Customer I bought the developer's version of this yesterday and I encouraged my brother to do the same. We are both delighted with the product. It's probably going to be the best money you've ever spent on this forum. It's really simple - you can always see what the competition are doing to be number 1 in Google and go after them.We've checked several sites and the results are glowingly obvious. If you haven't taken the plunge yet you really need to be doing so before this is taken down. In my eyes this is an all time Killer application. Google Slap, Google Panda, Google Blah Blah Blah - forget about them. With this amazing software you'll always be able to know exactly what it is you need to do to get on page 1 of Google POI Customer This software is absolutely invaluable to people who have been caught with their pants down and lost rank during all of the Google upgrades . . . yes, I'm in that boat also. Why didn't I just use the other software? Because it's so God awful slow that it's like pulling teach! Running this software absolutely inspired me to get to fixing these sites. I can run, adjust, run adjust, run adjust probably 20 times in the amount of time one of those other reports was created. Great stuff, not to be missed. Every single person with a website they are trying to rank should own this, period, hands down. If you are an SEO professional and haven't bought, get it now. Two BIG thumbs up POI Customer   Latest from the blog Latest Information from Expert SEO System
  • <H3>   SEO Expert In A Box Expert SEO System is exactly what is sounds like. It's a single point solution for your SEO analysis requirements. It has the complexity to suit expert level users but the simplicity to allow anyone to become an instant SEO expert. Saving you time and expense of collecting and collating the data you need. Running comparison checks against the top 10 search results to ensure that the information and advice is absolutely current and up to date. Produce detailed reports that can be used to improve your own sites or customer sites. Produce professional customized reports for distribution or sale to your customers and clients. Reverse Engineers Top 10 Search Results The strength of the Expert SEO System is the fact that it does not take any current SEO rules for granted. Of course we understand and acknowledge that there are some fundamental truths about good SEO practices and that is taken into account when analysing the data. However the bottom line is that, no matter what you believe, the real answers are in those sites that actually rank on page one. As Google and others change there search algorithms then the top 10 results will change. Sometimes slowly and sometimes very swiftly, but change they will. ESS is able to rerun the reports whenever you want and pull the latest results back giving you the most up to date information available. ESS looks at a huge number of on-page 'ranking factors'. It also analyzes the backlinks and the social signals to bring you a comprehensive dataset from which to analyze your target site. Backed with data from the industry leaders like Alexa and this is probably the most comprehensive SEO data set available from within one tool. Gap Analysis Against Top 10 Search Results Let Expert SEO do what it does best. High speed data gathering and crunching. You just enter your web page URL and the keyword you want to target (and a search engine and location if you want to focus on local results). ESS will do the rest. In just a few seconds it will scan the Search engine top 100 results, find your web page ranking if it is the top 100. It will then scan the top 10 results. For every results it will strip down the web page to it's nuts and bolts and store all the data on that page. Keywords, readability, URLs and much much more. It will do exactly the same for your target web page. Then fetches raft of data from other sources like social measures and backlink information and again does the same for your target site. Expert SEO System then produces a gap analysis between your site data and the top ten results. Two assessments are made for each SEO measure. An average and a range across the top 10 sites. All this information is stored in the Drill Down Reviewer in ESS for completely flexible and easy access. Expert SEO System Pulls Data From Many Leading Sources We don't want to give away all our secrets of course but the Expert SEO System gather data from across the web. We utilise some of the industries leading web sites like Alexa am ESS also pulls data from social sites like Facebook and Twitter and many more. It is this broad base of data that helps make Expert SEO System so powerful. Few software tool can produce this range of SEO data Uses A Huge Set Of SEO Measures There are a number of signals or measures that are generally accepted ones that can either affect your SEO ranking (either directly or indirectly). The Expert SEO System checks as many of these 'measures' as we can progress in. Will they all have an affect? - Truth is we don't know but we need to measure them all in case they do. Or in case they do in the future. Google is now about penalizing sites as much as promoting them so measures that were once considered good SEO are now considered bad SEO. Things change so we prepare for that change by covering every angle we can. As more is known about the effect of certain measures then more will be added. Think about Social Signals. Very big today but 2 years ago? Insignificant. We try not to judge. By checking a huge number of possible measures and signals against the top 10 results we let Google tell us what is in vogue. HTML Reports Expert SEO Systems has a built in data and report viewer. However you can generate a report in HTML for easy viewing on your computer screen. Choose from a single (long page) report or multi-tabbed (individual pages) reports. With the commercial licence your HTML reports are customizable. You can white label and personalize the reports. As with all reports you can create summary graph reports, reports on specific SEO areas and measures or full reports of all data. p> All reports come with written information and guidance about the actions needed to improve any "out of spec" measures. Professional PDF Reports When you purchase the commercial licence you get access to the full professional PDF reporter. Fully customizable reports, templates, change everything from font to colours and backgrounds. Create different front covers, add your own company branding. Set up different "templates" for different reports or different customers. Save settings to easily produce individual customer and client reports whenever you need. With this level of customization and personalization every report will be a winner. Multiple URL and Keyword Analysis The Expert SEO System analyzes the individual pages on a web site. In general it is good practice for each web page to target a primary keyword. Google ranks individual web pages NOT web sites so we must do the same when we analyze. However most web pages benefit from LSI and secondary keywords. This helps increases Googles perception of relevant content, allows your pages to rank for multiple (related) keywords and over time will rank your pages for long tail keywords. To that end you can add "sub-keywords" (LSI or secondary keywords) to the Expert SEO projects and they will be analyzed against the same top 10 results data. Checking against the top 10 will identify if they are also using the same or similar LSI keywords. Of course you will want to check all your site pages and with ESS you can add Multiple URLs and primary keywords in to one project. This can speed up analysis and manage your reports data more logically Drill Down Data Reviewer If you are a data geek you will love this. Once a project has been run and the data collected, compared and collated it is immediately available inside the Expert SEO System software. The data display is structured to give you a high level summary view. You can then "drill down" by simply clicking your mouse to each level and even down to the raw data itself. This is a very powerful tool and unique way at looking at your SEO analysis. Drill down into individual modules and even into individual sites so that you can access all the data from overview right down to the fine detail. Whatever your particular needs or preferred way of viewing the page analysis is catered for right inside the Expert SEO System. Integration With Third Party Tools & Software We don't want to restrict you in the way you conduct your own SEO. If you have your own ideas or proven methods then you will want to keep using them. Likewise there are some fantastic third party software and tools available. Some of these can be considered "experts" in their own field. Some third party tools that can significantly enhance your ability to perform SEO tasks. When we find the best tools that fit this criteria we can integrate them with the Expert SEO System. Open Site Explorer is a good example. One of the very best sources of detailed link and anchor text. Expert SEO system links your project resulting directly into OSE so you can pull additional detailed link information. Gtmetrix, the very best tool for measuring, analysing and improving site performance is another tool integrated into ESS. Our Clients Say it Best I bought the commercial licence as I saw the long term benefits from reading the many positive comments - and I was glad I did. However, I was not expecting the detailed and sobering report I received on my one adsense site that I tried as a first trial. The result is going to be a very long night I think! If only..this was available before, it would have saved a lot of time and money (and I would have more hair), but seriously, thank you for a great product which I think will be a bread winner for a number of people apart from me. To pass on a white label report with personalised header and logo will knock the socks off customers. Serious kudos and many thanks. POI Customer I ran it for a couple of my websites that were hit by Penguin and it was an eye-opener for every site (on-site stuff I thought I had already fixed was still way out of range). I have used similar programs, but they all use global averages, which is just inaccurate for certain niches, especially local businesses. The idea to take the numbers of the top 10 sites for each keyword is brilliant and will work forever. Outstanding, and way more worth than its price! I will for sure be looking out for your future WSOs! Thanks, Tony and Anthony! POI Customer I bought the developer's version of this yesterday and I encouraged my brother to do the same. We are both delighted with the product. It's probably going to be the best money you've ever spent on this forum. It's really simple - you can always see what the competition are doing to be number 1 in Google and go after them.We've checked several sites and the results are glowingly obvious. If you haven't taken the plunge yet you really need to be doing so before this is taken down. In my eyes this is an all time Killer application. Google Slap, Google Panda, Google Blah Blah Blah - forget about them. With this amazing software you'll always be able to know exactly what it is you need to do to get on page 1 of Google POI Customer This software is absolutely invaluable to people who have been caught with their pants down and lost rank during all of the Google upgrades . . . yes, I'm in that boat also. Why didn't I just use the other software? Because it's so God awful slow that it's like pulling teach! Running this software absolutely inspired me to get to fixing these sites. I can run, adjust, run adjust, run adjust probably 20 times in the amount of time one of those other reports was created. Great stuff, not to be missed. Every single person with a website they are trying to rank should own this, period, hands down. If you are an SEO professional and haven't bought, get it now. Two BIG thumbs up POI Customer   Latest from the blog Latest Information from Expert SEO System
Word cloud
  • seo71
  • expert45
  • reports38
  • system36
  • top35
  • google31
  • data30
  • sites28
  • results24
  • search23
  • site23
  • page18
  • customer18
  • ess18
  • customers17
  • want16
  • all16
  • web16
  • them14
  • need13
  • report12
  • professional11
  • analysis11
  • software11
  • measures11
  • down11
  • own10
  • just10
  • like10
  • pages10
  • keywords10
  • leads10
  • same9
  • every9
  • exactly9
  • run9
  • number9
  • best9
  • give9
  • into9
  • how8
  • against8
  • individual8
  • get8
  • time8
  • create7
  • know7
  • tool7
  • information7
  • competitors7
  • keyword7
  • only7
  • analyze7
  • change7
  • produce7
  • rank7
  • compete7
  • ranking7
  • pdf7
  • customizable6
Keyword matrix
Two Word cloud
  • expert seo18
  • you can12
  • seo system12
  • search results6
  • search engine5
  • you need5
Three Word cloud
  • expert seo system15
  • seo system can3
  • data you need2
  • create an unlimited number2
  • what they are2
  • run analysis and reports2
404 Page
The website has a 404 error page.
Flash content
Good! The website does not have any flash contents.
Good! The website does not use iFrame solutions.


Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level
Flesch Reading Ease
Coleman Liau Index
Automated Readability Index (ARI)
Dale–Chall Readability
SMOG Index
Spache Readibility
Number of letters
Number of words
Number of sentences
Average words per sentences
Number of syllables
Syllables in words
Average syllables in words
Number of words in first three syllables
Percentage of word / syllables
Words not in Dale-Chall easy-word list
Words not in Spache easy-word list


Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Redirection (www / not www)
Error! The web address is accessible with and without www!
Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.

 Speed test

Server response time
The server response time is fast enough.
Table layout
Good! No nested tables found.
Number of HTTP resources
Number of source domains
Render blocking resources
The elements below are blocking the “above the fold” rendering.
List of render blocking javascript files
List of render blocking css files

 Speed test – Javascript

Error! Too many javascript files found which slows down the page load on the website.
File size of all javascript files combined
Javascript minifying
You can save 21.7KB (34% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the javascript files.

 Speed test – CSS

Good! Just a few CSS files are used on this website.
File size of all css files combined
CSS minifying
You can save 12.5KB (15% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the CSS files.

 Speed test – Compression

Uncompressed size of the of the HTML
Gzip compression
Error! By using Gzip you can save 63.2KB (79% compression) on your site.

 Speed test – Browser cache

Number of static resources (image, JS, CSS)
Browser cache
The browser cache is not set correctly for all elements.
URLDuration /ess-logo-oval1-home.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified /banner-abstract.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified /bg-toolbar-social-icons.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified /arrow_down.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified /document_edit.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified /email_send.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified /globe_download.pngExpiry time is not specified /globe_upload.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified /user_group.pngExpiry time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified time is not specified

 Speed test – Images

File size of all images combined
Image optimisation
You can save 40.7KB (22% compression) by optimising the images below:

 Website security

External hidden links
Good! No hidden external links found
Looking for eval()
Good! No eval(bas64_decode()) scripts are found
Checking for XSS vulnerability
No XSS vulnerability found
Email encryption
Warning! The website contains at least one unencrypted email address.

 Sites on same ip


Error! No favicon is found. Using favicon helps to build a better brand quicker.

 Typos,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ex, e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, exper4,, expe4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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