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  • <H1> cloud
  • <H2> Monday, 18 July 2016
  • <H3> Cloud computing in 2015 – and what is on the horizon for 2016
  • <H3> 2015 review
  • <H3> 2016 predictions
  • <H3> Global public cloud services market to top $200bn this year, Gartner asserts
  • <H3> Comparison between AWS vs Google Cloud
  • <H3> As cloud computing continues to search out its means into enterprises massive and tiny,the selection of the correct cloud computing resolution has become a point for specialists and business house owners alike. Among public cloud suppliers, Amazon internet Services (AWS) looks to possess the lead within the competition, with Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure shut behind. In this article, we tend to compare the 2 leading cloud computing services – Amazon internet Services’ Elastic reason Cloud (EC2) and Google Cloud’s Google reason Engine (GCE) – on the idea of their performance, cost, features, services, and therefore the overall blessings and drawbacks of those 2 cloud computing platforms. on the far side serving to you select the correct net as a Service (IaaS) platform, we tend to hope this comparison additionally helps the eager professionals among you perceive wherever you’d got to focus your learning efforts. Some putting Contrasts Between EC2 & GCE AWS has been the cloud computing market-leader for the past seven years. obtainable in additional zones and regions than Google Cloud, authorised users ar assured of least impact of outages. additionally, AWS boasts a good array of services, several of that -such because the easy Email Service and therefore the CloudFront content delivery network- aren’t obtainable in GCE. AWS additionally offers micro-Windows instances as a part of its Free Usage Tier, whereas support for Windows workloads isn’t a vicinity of GCE’s offerings. As Jillian Mirandi, a technical school analyst points out, “AWS features a additional complete, enterprise-grade portfolio”. AWS additionally customizes its networking instrumentation, the corresponding protocols that travel over it to spice up network performance, and additionally has its own fiber-optic network between zones. Google’s come near network performance isn’t looked as if it would last long. Now for a few noteworthy advancements created by Google Cloud’s GCE. GCE’s spectacular network performance are a few things to notice. it’s for the most part as a result of Google’s network traffic passes through its own fiber network instead of traversing the general public net. every GCE instance is additionally hooked up to one network that spans all regions while not VPNs or gateways as middlemen. On the entire, considering the quantity of services obtainable, AWS is during a league of its own, well previous GCE. the numerous services AWS offers ar well-integrated and supply a really comprehensive cloud resolution. AWS, it’s announced, has no rivals with relevancy platform completeness and therefore the productivity level that you simply will reach. However, the selection of the correct platform will rely on the wants of the enterprise.
  • <H3> The 5 Strategic Cloud Computing Trends to Drive Your Cloud Engagement
  • <H3> In associate degree surprisingly short span of a handful about years, Cloud Computing has become associate degree integral, maybe even the foremost important a part of associate degree enterprise’s IT Strategy. it’s helped free-up a large chunk of the IT from the constrictions of heritage computer code and hardware licensing knowledge center models, and has opened, revolutionized associate degreed to an extent democratized the means IT delivers services and the way the users access info, applications and business services. But with the ever increasing impact the cloud has thereon, there’s conjointly a palpable confusion concerning however its full price to business will be controlled, principally thanks to the continual and fast evolution of the cloud and its connected technologies and also the growing flux of vendors victimisation portentous hyperbolic promoting speak to sell their cloud solutions. That is why it’s essential for businesses to continually monitor computing trends so as to stay change and adapting their cloud ways to evade overpriced oversights or encash market opportunities over the approaching years. Here ar 5 Strategic Cloud Computing Trends which will drive cloud ways through 2015 and 2016, and that you want to issue into your cloud-planning processes to run at the speed of modification. Hybrid Cloud Computing is that the means ForwardHybrid Cloud Computing suggests that employing a combination of public or personal cloud services and physical application infrastructure and services. As is obvious from some recent developments/deployments, hybrid cloud computing is about to become an essential, within the variety of a unified integrated cloud model, consisting each internal and external cloud platforms that may be leveraged supported specific business necessities. Industry Analysts and Cloud specialists suggest that enterprises ought to center immediate efforts on desegregation the applying and dynamic knowledge infrastructures to make a hybrid answer. To avoid oversights and alternative glitches, they ought to set tips associate degreed standards for a way the general public cloud application services or applications can mix with the assorted elements of internal systems to confirm an economical hybrid surroundings. Cloud Services Brokerage goes To Be A Key Strategic Role Of ITOver the last year, Cloud Services Brokerage (CSB) has graduated from being associate degree choice to a key strategic issue for users and IT alike. CSB basically involves a service supplier enjoying a liaising role in helping the consumption of cloud computing. CSB as a trend is foreseen to collect speed over consecutive few years as users opt to use cloud services, freelance of IT forms. So what the IT critically has to do to uphold its relevancy associate degreed significance is to seek out ways in which to position itself as an Enterprise CSB by making straightforward, flexible, and business user-centric tools and processes (for instance modifying internal portals and repair catalogs) that facilitate cloud adoption and encourage finish users to hunt IT’s help. Cloud Friendly call Frameworks ar A Business ImperativeEven the best sceptic currently agrees that Cloud Computing offers a excessiveness of utterly indispensible options and edges, like efficient use-based models of IT consumption and repair delivery, larger lightness and lesser complexness. It conjointly permits the IT to focus its resources on delivering new services that fuel innovation and accelerate the business. Yet, the success of your cloud adoption utterly depends on whether or not your deciding structure optimizes the gift of the cloud. you wish to 1st make sure you alleviate any considerations that you simply have relating to the performance, security, handiness, and integration. Once you’ve gratifyingly crossed these problems, you’ll approach designing, implementing and optimizing your cloud strategy. Application style should Be Cloud-OptimizedNow the means organizations approach cloud computing is to essentially simply transfer their enterprise workloads to the cloud or associate degree application infrastructure. this is often an honest approach wherever the workloads want a variable provide of resources or wherever the applying logically adapts to horizontal measurability. But to completely extract the potential of your cloud model to deliver really gold customary world category applications, you wish to start out planning applications that ar cloud-optimized from paper to follow. Future Datacenters got to Adopt Implementation Models Of Cloud Service suppliersIn a cloud computing surroundings, the info center and alternative implementation details ar handled by the service supplier whereas the enterprise solely considerations itself with service consumption. But as enterprises stick with it building/expanding their own knowledge centers, they’ll be much better served applying the cloud computing implementation models of Cloud Service suppliers to extend performance, efficiency, and lightness. These speedily germination trends ar already changing into best practices and that they ar guaranteed to have profound implications on your cloud strategy, sharply optimizing your cloud adoptions, and serving to you keep abreast with the speed of modification through next few years, if no more.
  • <H3> Cloud Computing Trends For 2016 And Beyond – What To Expect
  • <H2> Introduction
  • <H3> There is an extensive amount of hype and chatter around the concept of cloud, at the moment – especially since startups have begun to go public. Over the last few years, no other area of IT has produced as much investment, interest, and hype as cloud computing. 2015 clearly showed what the cloud infrastructure, in its self-service glory and scalability, will be good for: that is, running the applications that consist of micro services which are outfitted with RESTful APIs. These services will most likely run in containers, giving developers more control in testing, building, and deploying of applications. Thus, it has been made clear the world that cloud computing will be an essential tool in delivering service to businesses and end users. As we come to the end of 2015, we give you the predictions and the trends to look out for in cloud computing for 2016.
  • <H2> Key statistics regarding the current cloud computing landscape
  • <H3> A recent article by Forbes sums up the key statistics with regards to the current cloud computing landscape and a peek into the future. The AWS or the Amazon Web Services is the dominating and the leading player in cloud computing, closely followed by Microsoft Azure, the Rackspace Public cloud, and VMware’s vCloud. The cloud platform and infrastructure market roughly generates $21billion in revenues and is expected to grow and a drastic 20% until 2018 where revenues will reach $43 billion. Unlike common belief. The cloud services will not be limited to the large enterprises and corporations. It is estimated that 64% of the small to the medium sized business will also take to cloud, with up to 78% of the businesses showing an indication to buying new cloud based solutions in the next few years. With these figures cloud computing is elevated from ‘just a feature’ to an important and a necessary part of an organization’s infrastructure.
  • <H2> The predictions for 2016
  • <H4> Cloud Applications:
  • <H3> With the arrival of 2016, more and more applications to the cloud will arise. A number of organizations and businesses have already spent a large portion of their IT budget on cloud applications and these numbers are said to grow in the following year as applications will be built more for the cloud than for desktops. More developers will focus their talents on the cloud based services. It is estimated by the Evans Data Corporation that there is currently more than 18 million software developers around the world – but only 25% of them are into the cloud. In 2016, this number is said to increase as more software developers will begin to realize the shift of business revenue streams to cloud. Commercial, third party, contributor software, and enterprise will begin to surface, attempting to take a slice of the market.
  • <H4> The Hybrid Cloud:
  • <H3> The hybrid cloud solutions have been recorded to have made huge wins throughout 2014 and in the early 2015. This is expected continue to grow in 2016 as well. The blend of the on and off cloud premises facilities offer the best of both worlds to the enterprises that are demanding growth in addition to reducing the complexity of making a pure cloud switch to begin with. It is said to be more of an overlapping hybrid cloud combination, which will allow complex cloud delivers in the simplest of deliveries. Seeing an increase from 8% to 82% enterprises turning to the hybrid cloud strategy, the hybrid cloud will continue to take over the public and the private alternatives. The hybrid cloud computing can afford the security that is associated with the private cloud hand in hand with the achievement of cost benefits they are associated with the economies of the scale of public cloud computing. The hybrid strategy is also more flexible than the other two, when it comes to demands across projects, and finding solutions to different requirements of every application that is running. Thus when it comes to the terms of scaling up, the hybrid allows users to achieve higher server usage at reasonable and affordable costs, and allow the storage of sensitive data on private sectors.
  • <H4> The cloud will shift from developer friendly to developer driven:
  • <H3> One of the primary consumers of cloud services are the application developers. A large number of services strive to be developer friendly to drive adoption. In the future, it is predicted that being developer friendly will not be enough. Clouds will make a shift to being developer driven. All cloud services will support continuous integrations and continuous delivery. In fact, continuously delivering will become a core tenet of cloud computing, which in turn will bring cloud closer to developers. The various layers of cloud, infrastructure to platform to application, will all be fundamentally API driven. APIs may or may not start out as REST interfaces. Newer APLI standards are said to emerge replacing REST for more dynamic and seamless integration.
  • <H4> Most of the large cloud platforms will be penetrated by containers:
  • <H3> Larger cloud providers like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have adopted the container technologies. Additionally, the technology providers at the OS, the application, and the hardware are building support for containerization. Take for instance, Intel, which has just released the Cloud Integrity Technology (CIT) which provides a chain of trust attestation from the hardware root of trust to the container level. With the widening of support for containers and the increase in operational/ deployment technologies maturity in the container ecosystems, more micro service applications will be built on containers which will enable new systems of engagement and more modern user experiences. With the coming of 2017, most of the cloud platforms would either support containers or will have switched to a new container stack. The perfect tool for efficient resource utilization is container technologies. The containerization is a situation where every container is a type of OS virtualization and provides ample resources to run an application without the creation of conflict with other application containers are running on the same machine, thus eliminating the problem of using an entire OS to run one application. Growth is expected to be seen in the adoption of container technologies because the CaaS (Container-as-a-Service) is more efficient as compared to the hardware virtualization.
  • <H4> he cloud will be ubiquitous, obliterating the terms ‘private’, ‘public’, and ‘hybrid’:
  • <H3> We still are at the stage where the cloud is classified at ‘private’, ‘public’, and ‘hybrid’. The introduction to containers and the new agile management/ deployment technologies has led to the cloud server locations to become irrelevant. In the future, organizations will no longer talk about public vs. private clouds. In addition to this, focus will fall on user experience that is backed by and decoupled from the always on and fundamentally elastic infrastructure that can live anywhere be it the developer’s work station to the large data centers that are halfway around the world. Due to this, the nomenclature of the private, public or hybrid cloud will become obsolete. What will be left is the omnipresent abstract layer – the cloud.
  • <H4> Continuous Delivery:
  • <H3> There is great news in store for the DevOps teams, as the cloud services are expected to increase support for continuous delivery. Continuous delivery will ensure the updating of applications from the backend and continuously delivering it to the end users, even when they are in the middle of the application usage. The advantage of continuous delivery is that the complexity of the online applications increase, and new updates will be required on a daily basis. The benefits will include many more engaged users and the overall performance of the application. DevOps teams will also be helped by reducing the time taken for bug resolution as well as the reduction of repetitive tasks.
  • <H2> The certification to look out for in 2016:
  • <H3> With the increased use of cloud computing and its bright future, there is going to be a huge demand for the qualified and the certified cloud IT professionals. One of the top cloud certifications to opt for in 2016 is CompTIA Cloud +. With a total of 139 jobs in November itself on job portals, CompTIA Cloud + stands the second most in demand jobs in the cloud computing industry.
  • <H2> Conclusion
  • <H3> We’ve given you all we know and all you need to know! Now it is your turn. So roll up your sleeves and get yourselves armed and ready for the cloud computing wave to hit. Simplilearn offers the CompTIA cloud + training course to help you out. With 12 hrs. of High Quality e-Learning Content, 7 Lab Exercises, hands-on Implementation of Virtualization, 10 Chapter-end Quizzes, coverage of topics like IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, hands-on sessions based on real-life scenarios, and authorized by CompTIA, the training is all you need to give your career a boost. Article Source :
  • <H3> Three Tips for getting well paid Cloud Jobs
  • <H2> This advice should increase your salary by tens of thousands dollars and put you on the best cloud career path
  • <H2> So you {are} on a cloud computing career path — that is great! however however does one increase your earnings and best align your career decisions together with your interests? Here are 3 tips.First, be specific. As you’ll be able to see from job web site’s chart below, once the overall term “cloud computing” is employed to seek out positions, there is a decline within the variety of postings. however once additional specific terms square measure used, like “AWS” and “big knowledge,” the postings increase.The reality is that “cloud computing” may be a conception, not a talent. If you’re going for “cloud” jobs, you will find that your résumé is brushed aside for those that have specific talent sets like AWS developer or Google Cloud storage specialist. Find your niche, put up for sale in your résumé, and hone it with expertise. Second, target security. within the cloud, security should be general — a region of the work out layer, storage layer, info layer, network layers, and so on. folks that understand each cloud and security square measure extremely wanted.Specific technologies to target embody something associated with identity and access management, moreover as encoding (both on the wing and at rest), and after all something addressing compliance for specific industries like health care. although you are a cloud designer or developer, security ought to be an enormous a part of your talent set. Third, get the devops faith. Devops is that the best thanks to have an effect on a public cloud strategy. However, folks that understand each cloud and devops square measure rare finds. As most enterprises transition to cloud-based everything, they’re conjointly transitioning to a devops tool set and culture. These 2 cooccurring transitions bring plenty of confusion. folks that will bring smart skills to the dual amendment effort are paid well and valued additional. The fact of the matter is that cloud computing, like different sweeping technology trends, needs that you just perceive the marketplace for the abilities and have the abilities themselves. good individuals can turbocharge their cloud careers by creating some changes like these to their talent sets and to their résumés. I hope you will be one among them.
  • <H3> Google announces data centre expansion plans: 12 more regions by 2017
  • <H3> Google has announced a major expansion of its cloud data centres, with two new regions to start running this year and another 10 to be available by the end of 2017. The news comes days after a note from Synergy Research which foundthe US remains far out in front as the number one location for data centres. Google’s two upcoming launches will include one US site, a US Western region in Oregon, with another to be built in Tokyo. “We’re opening these new regions to help Cloud Platform customers deploy services and applications nearer to their own customers, for lower latency and greater responsiveness,” wrote Google product manager Varun Sakalkar in a company blog post. “With these new regions, even more applications become candidates to run on Cloud Platform, and get the benefits of Google-level scale and industry leading price [and] performance.” It has been a busy period for Google’s cloudy operations, with recent announcements of a client win in the form of Home Depot, as well as the news that Apple would move a portion of its data to the search giant from Amazon Web Services (AWS). The majority of the reaction to the news has not surprisingly been around Google’s attempts to catch up with AWS, which turned 10 years old earlier this month and is also looking to expand its data centre operationsin the UK among other locations. Responding to Google’s expansion of its data centre footprint, John Dinsdale, Synergy chief analyst and research director, said: “As we have reported previously Google lags far behind AWS and Microsoft in the cloud infrastructure market, and at least part of that was down to having a cloud data centre network that wasn’t as extensive. “Google is now on a drive to help fix that – in addition to increasing its corporate focus on the cloud market. This was long overdue,” he added. Article Source :
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