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Heir Sales
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Heir Sales

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Heading structure in the source code
  • <H1> Heir Sales
  • <H2> 8 Rules to Know When Selling Estate Property
  • <H2> Trustee guidelines
  • <H3> If you determine that you would rather not be a trustee, review the successor trustee language in the trust document to determine if a successor is already named or what is required to appoint one.
  • <H3> Trustees have many responsibilities, which include at least:
  • <H2> Executor Duties – Summary
  • <H2> Summary of Executor Duties
  • <H3> Reads your will
  • <H3> Safeguards your assets
  • <H3> Petitions the Court for probate of your will
  • <H3> Assembles and inventories all your assets
  • <H3> Procures appraisal of all your assets
  • <H3> Administers your estate
  • <H3> Makes all your tax returns
  • <H3> Settles all proper claims
  • <H3> Distributes your probate estate
  • <H3> Obtains final discharge
  • <H2> Ask us to email you the detailed flow chart for the executor to know all executor duties and when items must happen.
  • <H2> Phone Lester Langdon   281 236 8189
  • <H2> What is CPRES ?
  • <H3> Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (C.P.R.E.S.)
  • <H3> There is endless number of Probate filings in local Courts, this is a complicated process with significant consequences, and it requires that Executors and Administrators have the knowledgeable resource to facilitate the marketing and sale of the real property. in addition, the court wants to ensure that the transaction is handled with integrity and efficiency.
  • <H3> This is why Certified Probate Real Estate Specialists are in such high demand.
  • <H3> A Probate- Certified Realtor understands the complications, process, and the best practices necessary to navigate the transaction to completion and help the estate realize a win-win transaction. I can walk you through the process and help you understand the consequences of the decisions being made by you, as an Executor or Administrator.
  • <H3> It all begins with a proper evaluation of the property and external market conditions. The next step is to recommend repairs that provide the seller with the greatest return on investment. A probate-certified Realtor will refer qualified and proven resources to perform these tasks and can even facilitate the completion of work.
  • <H3> The goal is to achieve the highest of returns with great understanding, transparency, and compassion.
  • <H3> Please feel free to Contact me as your Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist today and ensure the peace-of-mind tomorrow.
  • <H3> WHY Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (C.P.R.E.S.) ? A Probate Real Estate sale can be a difficult, challenging, unpredictable and frustrating. Don’t take a chance on your estate! Hire a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist who has been specially trained by US Probate Services on the process of selling real estate through the probate process. A CPRES REALTOR understands the unique complications, the time-sensitive process, and adheres to the the best practices necessary to navigate the potentially treacherous transaction to completion and help the estate realize a win-win transaction
  • <H3> Lester Langdon Phone 281 236 8189
  • <H2> New law simplifies real estate transfers to heirs
  • <H2> Texas Estate Code
  • <H3> Here is link to Texas Estate Code
  • <H3> Consult with your attorney
  • <H2> Q and A
  • <H3> Probate: Questions & answersQ: What is probate? A: Probate means “proving the will” through a court proceeding. The probate court proceeding involves appointing a personal representative, determining the decedent’s assets, paying outstanding debts and disbursing funds to beneficiaries.
  • <H3> Q: What is the definition of a personal representative? A: A personal representative is the person responsible for administering the decedent’s estate. A personal representative is either: 1.    An executor/executrix who is named in the will to “execute” the will; or 2.    An administrator/administratix who is appointed by the probate court when there is no will, when the will does not name an executor or when the named executor is unable or unwilling to serve.
  • <H3> Q: What are the personal representative’s duties? A: A personal representative has a number of duties, depending on the complexity of the deceased person’s financial and family circumstances. As part of the winding down of the estate, duties may include: •    Reading of the will •    Identifying and collecting the estate’s assets •    Inventorying and appraising assets •    Paying bills and taxes •    Maintaining property until the estate is settled •    Distributing assets according to the will
  • <H3> Q: How long does it take to settle an estate? A: If a formal probate court procedure is required, it may take from seven to nine months to complete all necessary steps, unless it is a complicated estate. The process can at times take one to two years if issues arise. View our probate timeline.
  • <H3> Q: What is the Independent Administration of Estates Act? A: The IAEA are the laws which allow the personal representative to administer most aspects of the estate without court supervision. The personal representative can be either given administrative authority by the decedent’s will or by petitioning the court.
  • <H3> Q: What is the difference between “full” and “limited” authority? A: A personal representative with “full” authority has the power to sell or exchange real property, grant an option to purchase real property, or borrow money with a loan secured by an encumbrance upon real property. A personal representative with “limited” authority must obtain court supervision for the following actions: a) sale of real property; b) exchange of real property; c) grant of an option to purchase real property; and d) borrowing money with the loan secured by an encumbrance upon real property.
  • <H3> Q: Why do some probate sales not require court confirmation? A: A personal representative, by petitioning the court, may be granted “full authority” to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. By doing this, the personal representative can avoid the need to obtain court approval for many actions taken in connection with the estate. With full authority, a personal representative may sell property without the need to obtain court approval. However, before taking certain actions the personal representative is required to give notice to all interested parties (unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action).
  • <H3> Q: What are some things that I should do to prepare the property for sale? A: Some of the things to do prior to listing the property for sale can include taking inventory, removing belongings, packing and cleaning. An agent can provide you with a list of qualified specialists that will help you prepare the property for sale.
  • <H3> Q: Should I make repairs or sell property as is? A: In most cases probate real estate is sold “as is.” While some properties are in pristine condition, others may need work. In some cases it may make sense to make certain repairs. An agent can help you determine whether repairs may be worth the money, time and effort involved.
  • <H3> Q: Can the personal representative enter into a contract with a real estate broker to sell the estate property? A: Yes, the personal representative may enter into a written contract with a licensed real estate broker for the sale of real property for a period not to exceed 90 days. Prior court approval for each additional 90-day extension must be obtained, unless the personal representative has “full authority.”
  • <H3> Q: What is the minimum price at which real estate must be sold? A: Without full authority under the IAEA, the minimum offer price for the sale of a property must be at least 90% of the appraised value of the property. The appraisal must have been conducted within one year prior to the date of the confirmation hearing.
  • <H3> Q: How can I determine what price I can list a probate property for? A: A real estate agent can provide you with a comparative market analysis, which will help you determine a selling price for the property. This analysis takes into account similar properties that have sold in the neighborhood as well as other metrics that are factored into this analysis.
  • <H3> Q: How will the property be marketed for sale? A: Your agent should create a strategic marketing plan in order to yield the most qualified buyers. Some strategies may include Internet and traditional print advertising, open houses, direct mail, and placing a sign on the property.
  • <H3> Q: What is the minimum amount required for overbid? A: The overbid must exceed the original bid according to the following formula: 1.    The offer is for an amount at least 10% more on the first $10,000 of the original bid; and 2.    Five percent (5%) more on the amount of the original bid in excess of $10,000. Example: Original Offer: $100,000 Initial Overbid: $105,500.00 (10% of the first $10,000 = $1,000.00 plus 5% of the remaining balance of that bid of $90,000 = $4,500.00; $1,000.00 + $4,500.00 = $5,500.00. This amount is added to the original offer of $100,000.00. The resulting minimum overbid will be in the amount of $105,000.00.
  • <H3> Q: What does court confirmation of the sale of real property mean? A: All sales of real property shall be reported to and confirmed by the court before title to the property passes to a purchaser. If the personal representative fails to file a petition for confirmation of the sale within 30 days after the sale, the purchaser of the property may file the report and petition the court for confirmation of the sale.
  • <H3> Contact info
  • <H3> Recent Posts
Word cloud
  • estate36
  • property35
  • real27
  • probate26
  • personal18
  • representative17
  • court17
  • posted14
  • death13
  • sale13
  • transfer13
  • beneficiaries12
  • assets11
  • all11
  • lester10
  • langdon10
  • deed10
  • trust9
  • executor8
  • leave8
  • texas8
  • comment7
  • process7
  • home7
  • uncategorized7
  • authority7
  • duties7
  • certified6
  • help6
  • july6
  • some6
  • need5
  • sales5
  • amount5
  • code5
  • include5
  • make5
  • new5
  • determine5
  • name5
  • transaction5
  • necessary5
  • according5
  • tax5
  • into5
  • confirmation5
  • take5
  • original5
  • trustee5
  • price4
  • provide4
  • repairs4
  • agent4
  • minimum4
  • free4
  • records4
  • account4
  • sell4
  • how4
  • under4
Keyword matrix
Two Word cloud
  • probate real6
  • real estate6
  • real property5
  • personal representative5
  • certified probate4
  • your will3
Three Word cloud
  • real estate transfers2
  • all your assets2
  • realize a win-win transaction2
  • prepare the property for2
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Dale–Chall Readability
SMOG Index
Spache Readibility
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Number of words
Number of sentences
Average words per sentences
Number of syllables
Syllables in words
Average syllables in words
Number of words in first three syllables
Percentage of word / syllables
Words not in Dale-Chall easy-word list
Words not in Spache easy-word list


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Deprecated HTML elements
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Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.

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Loading time
2,287 ms
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 Order of Heading elements on mobile by position

  • H1 : Heir Sales , ( 50px from top )
  • H3 : Contact info, ( 385px from top )
  • H2 : 8 Rules to Know When Selling Estate Property, ( 407px from top )
  • H3 : Recent Posts, ( 493px from top )
  • H2 : Trustee guidelines, ( 1069px from top )
  • H3 : If you determine that you would rather not be a trustee, review the successor trustee language in the trust document to determine if a successor is already named or what is required to appoint one., ( 1132px from top )
  • H3 : Trustees have many responsibilities, which include at least:, ( 1236px from top )
  • H2 : Executor Duties – Summary, ( 1918px from top )
  • H2 : Summary of Executor Duties, ( 1981px from top )
  • H3 : Reads your will, ( 2037px from top )
  • H3 : Safeguards your assets, ( 2085px from top )
  • H3 : Petitions the Court for probate of your will, ( 2133px from top )
  • H3 : Assembles and inventories all your assets, ( 2181px from top )
  • H3 : Procures appraisal of all your assets, ( 2229px from top )
  • H3 : Administers your estate, ( 2277px from top )
  • H3 : Makes all your tax returns, ( 2325px from top )
  • H3 : Settles all proper claims, ( 2373px from top )
  • H3 : Distributes your probate estate, ( 2421px from top )
  • H3 : Obtains final discharge, ( 2469px from top )
  • H2 : Ask us to email you the detailed flow chart for the executor to know all executor duties and when items must happen., ( 2521px from top )
  • H2 : Phone Lester Langdon   281 236 8189, ( 2613px from top )
  • H2 : What is CPRES ?, ( 2775px from top )
  • H3 : Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (C.P.R.E.S.), ( 3091px from top )
  • H3 : There is endless number of Probate filings in local Courts, this is a complicated process with significant consequences, and it requires that Executors and Administrators have the knowledgeable resource to facilitate the marketing and sale of the real property. in addition, the court wants to ensure that the transaction is handled with integrity and efficiency., ( 3139px from top )
  • H3 : This is why Certified Probate Real Estate Specialists are in such high demand., ( 3299px from top )
  • H3 : A Probate- Certified Realtor understands the complications, process, and the best practices necessary to navigate the transaction to completion and help the estate realize a win-win transaction. I can walk you through the process and help you understand the consequences of the decisions being made by you, as an Executor or Administrator., ( 3375px from top )
  • H3 : It all begins with a proper evaluation of the property and external market conditions. The next step is to recommend repairs that provide the seller with the greatest return on investment. A probate-certified Realtor will refer qualified and proven resources to perform these tasks and can even facilitate the completion of work., ( 3535px from top )
  • H3 : The goal is to achieve the highest of returns with great understanding, transparency, and compassion., ( 3695px from top )
  • H3 : Please feel free to Contact me as your Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist today and ensure the peace-of-mind tomorrow., ( 3771px from top )
  • H3 : WHY Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (C.P.R.E.S.) ? A Probate Real Estate sale can be a difficult, challenging, unpredictable and frustrating. Don’t take a chance on your estate! Hire a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist who has been specially trained by US Probate Services on the process of selling real estate through the probate process. A CPRES REALTOR understands the unique complications, the time-sensitive process, and adheres to the the best practices necessary to navigate the potentially treacherous transaction to completion and help the estate realize a win-win transaction, ( 3847px from top )
  • H3 : Lester Langdon Phone 281 236 8189, ( 4147px from top )
  • H2 : New law simplifies real estate transfers to heirs, ( 4279px from top )
  • H2 : Texas Estate Code, ( 5632px from top )
  • H3 : Here is link to Texas Estate Code, ( 5695px from top )
  • H3 : Consult with your attorney, ( 5839px from top )
  • H2 : Q and A, ( 5953px from top )
  • H3 : Probate: Questions & answers Q: What is probate? A: Probate means “proving the will” through a court proceeding. The probate court proceeding involves appointing a personal representative, determining the decedent’s assets, paying outstanding debts and disbursing funds to beneficiaries., ( 6016px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What is the definition of a personal representative? A: A personal representative is the person responsible for administering the decedent’s estate. A personal representative is either: 1.    An executor/executrix who is named in the will to “execute” the will; or 2.    An administrator/administratix who is appointed by the probate court when there is no will, when the will does not name an executor or when the named executor is unable or unwilling to serve., ( 6204px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What are the personal representative’s duties? A: A personal representative has a number of duties, depending on the complexity of the deceased person’s financial and family circumstances. As part of the winding down of the estate, duties may include: •    Reading of the will •    Identifying and collecting the estate’s assets •    Inventorying and appraising assets •    Paying bills and taxes •    Maintaining property until the estate is settled •    Distributing assets according to the will, ( 6420px from top )
  • H3 : Q: How long does it take to settle an estate? A: If a formal probate court procedure is required, it may take from seven to nine months to complete all necessary steps, unless it is a complicated estate. The process can at times take one to two years if issues arise. View our probate timeline., ( 6720px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What is the Independent Administration of Estates Act? A: The IAEA are the laws which allow the personal representative to administer most aspects of the estate without court supervision. The personal representative can be either given administrative authority by the decedent’s will or by petitioning the court., ( 6880px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What is the difference between “full” and “limited” authority? A: A personal representative with “full” authority has the power to sell or exchange real property, grant an option to purchase real property, or borrow money with a loan secured by an encumbrance upon real property. A personal representative with “limited” authority must obtain court supervision for the following actions: a) sale of real property; b) exchange of real property; c) grant of an option to purchase real property; and d) borrowing money with the loan secured by an encumbrance upon real property., ( 7040px from top )
  • H3 : Q: Why do some probate sales not require court confirmation? A: A personal representative, by petitioning the court, may be granted “full authority” to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. By doing this, the personal representative can avoid the need to obtain court approval for many actions taken in connection with the estate. With full authority, a personal representative may sell property without the need to obtain court approval. However, before taking certain actions the personal representative is required to give notice to all interested parties (unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action)., ( 7312px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What are some things that I should do to prepare the property for sale? A: Some of the things to do prior to listing the property for sale can include taking inventory, removing belongings, packing and cleaning. An agent can provide you with a list of qualified specialists that will help you prepare the property for sale., ( 7584px from top )
  • H3 : Q: Should I make repairs or sell property as is? A: In most cases probate real estate is sold “as is.” While some properties are in pristine condition, others may need work. In some cases it may make sense to make certain repairs. An agent can help you determine whether repairs may be worth the money, time and effort involved., ( 7772px from top )
  • H3 : Q: Can the personal representative enter into a contract with a real estate broker to sell the estate property? A: Yes, the personal representative may enter into a written contract with a licensed real estate broker for the sale of real property for a period not to exceed 90 days. Prior court approval for each additional 90-day extension must be obtained, unless the personal representative has “full authority.”, ( 7932px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What is the minimum price at which real estate must be sold? A: Without full authority under the IAEA, the minimum offer price for the sale of a property must be at least 90% of the appraised value of the property. The appraisal must have been conducted within one year prior to the date of the confirmation hearing., ( 8120px from top )
  • H3 : Q: How can I determine what price I can list a probate property for? A: A real estate agent can provide you with a comparative market analysis, which will help you determine a selling price for the property. This analysis takes into account similar properties that have sold in the neighborhood as well as other metrics that are factored into this analysis., ( 8280px from top )
  • H3 : Q: How will the property be marketed for sale? A: Your agent should create a strategic marketing plan in order to yield the most qualified buyers. Some strategies may include Internet and traditional print advertising, open houses, direct mail, and placing a sign on the property., ( 8468px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What is the minimum amount required for overbid? A: The overbid must exceed the original bid according to the following formula: 1.    The offer is for an amount at least 10% more on the first $10,000 of the original bid; and 2.    Five percent (5%) more on the amount of the original bid in excess of $10,000. Example: Original Offer: $100,000 Initial Overbid: $105,500.00 (10% of the first $10,000 = $1,000.00 plus 5% of the remaining balance of that bid of $90,000 = $4,500.00; $1,000.00 + $4,500.00 = $5,500.00. This amount is added to the original offer of $100,000.00. The resulting minimum overbid will be in the amount of $105,000.00., ( 8628px from top )
  • H3 : Q: What does court confirmation of the sale of real property mean? A: All sales of real property shall be reported to and confirmed by the court before title to the property passes to a purchaser. If the personal representative fails to file a petition for confirmation of the sale within 30 days after the sale, the purchaser of the property may file the report and petition the court for confirmation of the sale., ( 9040px from top )

 Typos,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hei*, he*,,,,,,,,,, heir4,, hei4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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      • Wordpress CMS
    • Other
      • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
      • Html (HyperText Markup Language)
      • Html5
      • Php (Hypertext Preprocessor)
      • Pingback
  • Title: 名女松孝之郎のうまたん日記
  • Description:
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address:
  • Tech:
    • CMS
      • Wordpress CMS
    • Other
      • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
      • Html (HyperText Markup Language)
      • Html5
      • Javascript
      • jQuery
      • Php (Hypertext Preprocessor)
      • Pingback
      • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)