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The Meaning of Life

This page helps you to understand the meaning of life and it's purpose as gleaned from The Bible.


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The Meaning of Life
This page helps you to understand the meaning of life and it's purpose as gleaned from The Bible.
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The Meaning of Life

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  • <H2> The Meaning of LifeAs gleaned from the Scriptures © 2010 Before you begin I once read that the best way to discover the purpose of an invention (that's us) is to ask its creator (that's God), and that lifes meaning or purpose is revelation not speculation when we turn to Gods Word for it. So this is the meaning of life as I have gleaned from reading the Bible. You may, or may not, believe the Bible (or agree with my interpretation) but this still presents a basic understanding of what it teaches so you will be able to compare it to other doctrines. I am not a scholar, a clergyman, or a counselor and do not claim to have all the answers. This is just what I have come up with so far. In any case, it is my sincere prayer that this will help you to better understand what is going on around you, to know that God is still and always has been in control, and to see that your life really does matter. The Background The Bible teaches that Lucifer is an angel who was created perfect in beauty to serve God. (Ezekiel 28:12-17) He was a cherub, an angel whose job it is to protect and attend to the holiness of God. Unfortunately he began to believe that he, rather than God, should be ruler (or lord). Then Lucifer led a rebellion in Heaven challenging his own Creator's integrity and right to rule. As a result, he was cast down to Earth along with the other angels who sided with him against God. (Isaiah 14:12-15, Revelation 12:9) Now, for a season, Lucifer rules on Earth. God is allowing all of creation to see just what it would be like if Lucifer were in charge. So he is, for now, the prince of this world and goes about just looking for someone to harass, tempt, and accuse before God's throne. (I Peter 5:8, Revelation 12:10) Those angels that were cast down with him serve as his demons. The Bible lists seven things that God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19) and pride is the first one on that list (most likely because it was pride that started all this mess). From that point on, Lucifer was referred to as Satan/the Devil (the adversary or accuser). He is called this because first he rebelled against God and now he accuses man. He goes back and forth between Heaven and Earth condemning us for our sin (Job 1:6-7, 2:1-2) because he wants to steal as many souls as he can from The Creator (John 10:10) before he is cast into Hell (the Lake of Fire). (Revelation 20:10) Man was created in the image of God to enjoy Him forever (Genesis 1:26-27) and to give Him glory. Giving Him glory is giving Him credit, praise and thanksgiving for being who He is, for what He says, and for how He rules. We also do that by the choices we make and the things we do every day in our lives. We show all of creation that God is truth and Satan is a liar. (Isaiah 43:7, Ephesians3:10-11) But sin entered the world through one man tempted by Satan (Romans 5:12) and was passed down through the generations so the Bible says there is no one who is good (or without sin). (Psalm 51:5, Romans 3:10) That sin separates us from God because He is Holy. God is love (I John 4:8) but He is also just. (Exodus 34:7) Because of His love, He is the Author and Sustainer of all creation. Because He is Holy, He cannot allow sin. (Habakkuk 1:13a) Because He is just, He demands a penalty for sin and that penalty is death. (Romans 6:23) But because He had plans for you before you were born (Ephesians 2:10, Philippians 1:6, I Thess. 5:23-24), formed you in your mothers womb (Psalm 139:13-14) even knowing the number of hairs on your head, (Matthew 10:30) and then predestined all those who would accept Jesus to be conformed to His image(Romans 8:29) He did not want anyone to perish. (I Timothy 2:3-4, II Peter 3:9) So Jesus Christ was sent by The Father in Heaven (John 3:16) to save us from the penalty of sin. When we truly understand that, it no longer matters what others think of us or even if they want us because we know He does. (The fact that He, Himself, formed us in our mother's womb is proof that there is no such thing as someone who never should have been born). Then we see there is something much bigger going on in this universe, that we are part of it (regardless of whose side we are on) and that we are loved. Jesus told us that no one would get to Heaven any other way except through Him (John 14:6) and then paid the penalty by dying on the Cross in our place.(Colossians 2:14) (John 19:30) But Jesus rose from the grave and sits now at the right hand of God.(Ephesians 1:20-23) (Mark 16:19) So the Holy Spirit calls us in our hearts to trust Jesus and to witness that He is Lord, not Satan because Hell was originally created for Satan and his demon angels not for man. (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10) Now the things we say and do every day testify to our true loyalty and are being recorded in Heaven. (Revelation 20:12) There is a cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and by their loyalty and endurance have borne witness to the faith. Believers look to them for encouragement as they run the race of life. (Heb. 12:1-3) And the angels of God rejoice in His presence when even one sinner repents. (To repent is to have a change of heart, to agree with God that you are a sinner who needs the help and healing that only Jesus Christ can give.) (Luke 15:10, I Cor. 4:9) These angels are ministering spirits sent to render service to those who love God. (Psalm 91:11, Hebrews 1:14) So, although we will have troubles in this life, (Job 5:7) (I Peter 1:3-9) we are not alone.(Hebrews 13:5) Finally, at the Judgment Seat of Christ, believers will be judged in a review of their works for the purpose of rewards. (II Corinthians 5:10) While, at the Great White Throne Judgment, nonbelievers (those who had no real time or place in their hearts for God) will be given what they asked for; proof that this is the truth, and eternity without God. (Revelation 20:11-15) The Meaning Each of us is created in Gods image to give Him glory and praise, to live in fellowship with Him, and to enjoy His creation forever. Specifically for this life, we are called to witness for Gods integrity by our allegiance with His Son Jesus, and how we live each day. So, contrary to popular opinion today, it is not "all about" us. We were created for God's glory not ours and what glory He does not get in forgiveness, He will get in judgment. We are beings who were created to worship and worship we will. (We will worship Jesus, or whoever we think god is, or our self, or another person, or money, or whatever idols we set up in our life). But we do have a choice; to trust Jesus, or to follow Satan. And Jesus Himself said if you weren't "with Him" you were against Him. (Matthew 12:30) So choosing to live your life your way instead of God's is "following Satan" (or following his example). It is a rebellion that starts in our heart and inevitably manifests itself in our life, even in seemingly harmless ways. Maybe we lead a respectable life, do good deeds, and even "tip our hats" to God in our own way. Nevertheless we are, in effect, saying we want control and we do not want Him telling us what we can and cannot do. The problem is, after you die, there is only one place anyone can go in all of creation to escape God's presence and that is Hell. God knows this and tries again and again in our lifetime to warn us but we stubbornly refuse to listen. He allows us to choose so that creation can see where Satan would lead them yet He pleads with us not to go there but, rather, to place our confidence in Him. Ultimately He has to allow you to suffer the consequences of your choices because you might influence others around you to follow your lead. In many ways, rebelling against God is like a two year old rebelling against his parents. (Any good parent would never permit a child to run their home). If the parents love all of their children, then that child cannot be allowed to win and thank God for that. It would not be in his or her best interest to win. In fact, "winning" in that situation would really be losing and it is the same for us in our relationship with our Creator. Every time someone chooses to rebel against God's authority and standards it is called "sin". Sin hurts not only the person committing it, but also others as well. Naturally, if God were to stop the consequences of sin, then sin itself would not seem so bad. So He allows them for a time and for His purposes. And He has the right to do that. (Romans 9:20) Because, as bad as this world might seem, it is still the best of all possible means to the best of all possible worlds. If you think anything like I did, you probably wish they would just go off and fight it out somewhere. But that isn't going to happen because we meet God on His terms, not ours. This is how God wants things for now and we will ultimately accept it whether we want to or not. (Philippians 2:9-11) This life is it: you decide now where you will live for eternity with no do-overs or second chances. (Hebrews 9:27) You've heard it said "The end is near" and it is, relatively speaking, but also because you may die today and that would be the end of any opportunity for you to choose Jesus Christ. Just read The Book, Satan loses in the end. So, for now, there is a celestial battle between good and evil forces going on at this very moment and that is the over-riding priority. "Meanwhile back at the ranch" our own life today provided we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, becomes at once holy and beautiful. We can finally be who we really are, not what the world would try to make us. Think about it; if God didnt love you, He could just start over and make a new you. But He does love you, even likes you (after all, it was He who made you), and He wants you to live with Him forever. This means you have to trust God, to believe that He has your best interests at heart. (Philippians 1:6) And the only way you can really trust someone is to know them. To know God, you have to read His Word (The Holy Bible). As you read the Bible and pray, you will experience a more and more personal relationship with Jesus Christ in your life. Then you take those steps of obedience and watch your faith grow. Just trust and obey. Next, The Bible tells us to go to church to worship and encourage each other because Christians grow stronger with the fellowship, help, and support of other Christians. (Hebrews 10:24-25) Finally, you seek God's plans and purposes for your life as you witness for Jesus Christ so that others might be saved too. (Matthew 28:19-20) All of this to say, this is not all there is, there is so much more and life is so much better when you have peace with God. Only then can you truly embrace your own unique and very special life that is precious to Him. (Psalm 119:73) The Meaning in a Nutshell     What it means to "accept Jesus as Lord and Savior"? E-mail Me           Back to top
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  • H2 : The Meaning of Life As gleaned from the Scriptures © 2010 Before you begin I once read that the best way to discover the purpose of an “invention” (that's us) is to ask its creator (that's God), and that life’s meaning or purpose is revelation not speculation when we turn to God’s Word for it. So this is the meaning of life as I have gleaned from reading the Bible. You may, or may not, believe the Bible (or agree with my interpretation) but this still presents a basic understanding of what it teaches so you will be able to compare it to other doctrines. I am not a scholar, a clergyman, or a counselor and do not claim to have all the answers. This is just what I have come up with so far. In any case, it is my sincere prayer that this will help you to better understand what is going on around you, to know that God is still and always has been in control, and to see that your life really does matter. The Background The Bible teaches that Lucifer is an angel who was created perfect in beauty to serve God. (Ezekiel 28:12-17) He was a cherub, an angel whose job it is to protect and attend to the holiness of God. Unfortunately he began to believe that he, rather than God, should be ruler (or lord). Then Lucifer led a rebellion in Heaven challenging his own Creator's integrity and right to rule. As a result, he was cast down to Earth along with the other angels who sided with him against God. (Isaiah 14:12-15, Revelation 12:9) Now, for a season, Lucifer rules on Earth. God is allowing all of creation to see just what it would be like if Lucifer were in charge. So he is, for now, the prince of this world and goes about just looking for someone to harass, tempt, and accuse before God's throne. (I Peter 5:8, Revelation 12:10) Those angels that were cast down with him serve as his demons. The Bible lists seven things that God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19) and pride is the first one on that list (most likely because it was pride that started all this mess). From that point on, Lucifer was referred to as Satan/the Devil (“the adversary or accuser”). He is called this because first he rebelled against God and now he accuses man. He goes back and forth between Heaven and Earth condemning us for our sin (Job 1:6-7, 2:1-2) because he wants to steal as many souls as he can from The Creator (John 10:10) before he is cast into Hell (the Lake of Fire). (Revelation 20:10) Man was created in the image of God to enjoy Him forever (Genesis 1:26-27) and to give Him glory. Giving Him glory is giving Him credit, praise and thanksgiving for being who He is, for what He says, and for how He rules. We also do that by the choices we make and the things we do every day in our lives. We show all of creation that God is truth and Satan is a liar. (Isaiah 43:7, Ephesians3:10-11) But sin entered the world through one man tempted by Satan (Romans 5:12) and was passed down through the generations so the Bible says there is no one who is “good” (or “without sin”). (Psalm 51:5, Romans 3:10) That sin separates us from God because He is Holy. God is love (I John 4:8) but He is also just. (Exodus 34:7) Because of His love, He is the Author and Sustainer of all creation. Because He is Holy, He cannot allow sin. (Habakkuk 1:13a) Because He is just, He demands a penalty for sin and that penalty is death. (Romans 6:23) But because He had plans for you before you were born (Ephesians 2:10, Philippians 1:6, I Thess. 5:23-24), formed you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-14) even knowing the number of hairs on your head, (Matthew 10:30) and then predestined all those who would accept Jesus to be conformed to His image(Romans 8:29) He did not want anyone to perish. (I Timothy 2:3-4, II Peter 3:9) So Jesus Christ was sent by The Father in Heaven (John 3:16) to save us from the penalty of sin. When we truly understand that, it no longer matters what others think of us or even if they “want” us because we know He does. (The fact that He, Himself, formed us in our mother's womb is proof that there is no such thing as someone who never should have been born). Then we see there is something much bigger going on in this universe, that we are part of it (regardless of whose side we are on) and that we are loved. Jesus told us that no one would get to Heaven any other way except through Him (John 14:6) and then paid the penalty by dying on the Cross in our place.(Colossians 2:14) (John 19:30) But Jesus rose from the grave and sits now at the right hand of God.(Ephesians 1:20-23) (Mark 16:19) So the Holy Spirit calls us in our hearts to trust Jesus and to witness that He is Lord, not Satan because Hell was originally created for Satan and his demon angels not for man. (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10) Now the things we say and do every day testify to our true loyalty and are being recorded in Heaven.           , ( 8px from top )

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